Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh what charisma can do.

I don't know about all the reports this morning regarding the debate last night. I believe the debate was a lot of nothing. I do not know more or less than I did a week ago. But I do think people may have been hypnotized by Gov. Sarah Palin. I guess charisma walks the walk. I still think that people see one thing and one thing only. It is all about relating. I personally do not relate to any kind of mother, I'm not one. I am a woman though I can relate to that. I however can not relate to Sarah Palin (free from Witchcraft) or John McCain (multiple homes and cars). I will admit I'm obsessed with Palin though. Only because she can jump a question in a single bound, and smile the whole time. Like an Evil Super Villain. Unfortunately for Joe Biden he did not throw, the I'm just like you middle income America, until later in the debate. I still think that the Obama ticket is the best choice for peace, regarding the War they each have an end in sight. I was disappointed to hear that Obama or Biden do not take a real solid stand up for Gay Marriage. That sucks! Biden did have facts and he got lost in them. I know some of American people are interested in facts, but the majority of people are unfortunately bored by to many of them. I needed more about what they will do for me and my fellow people.
Someone I spoke to yesterday told me McCain was the only choice for them. Of course I asked, Why and was told, because I just can't vote for Obama. I asked again, Why? I just can't. WWWhhhyyy? I pushed. You don't want my answer it will upset you. Oh so you're a racist. Unfortunately for me that is the second time I've said that this week. Oh my big mouth. The other racist moment was in regards to someone hating the Mets (not me, I don't think about the Mets) because I quote "the Team has to many Hispanics" I called him a racist too, with a smile I might add. Oh my big mouth. Some may still be in the dark ages my friends. Can't we all be color blind?


  1. It was so blatantly obvious that Sarah Palin had been in major rehearsals for that debate since her interview with Katie Couric. She was regurgitating the same old crappy lines she's been fed by her Republican herders throughout the whole debate. Brian and I decided that she came across more like an elementary school principal than a potential leader of the free world. Hopefully people will come to their senses and realize McCain has been in Washington almost as long as Biden so the "newcomer to Washington/Maverick" argument just doesn't cut it.

  2. That is so funny you use the principal reference. I almost said the same thing, like she was representing a school and speaking to parents. and I definitely agree about the rehearsals.
