Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thank you Jon Stewart

Did anyone else watch The Daily Show last night? I absolutely agree with the show's agenda, but particularly last night. So funny. When I first heard Palin's statements, it did get me thinking. Are some people more American than others? Well of course not. She is an a**hole. The way I see it, McCain/Palin think they will represent America more than Obama/ Biden. BS! I have never been more passionate about being an American. This is a very important time for us. We need to look with in. What does it mean to be an American?
I have not always agreed with the war or The Bush administration. Ok never, point being, I now know this is the time to get someone in the White House who has our interests in mind. The Bush Admin./GOP only proves, again and again, they are not in The White House for Americans, nor have they done anything in our best interests. They continue to use America to further their own agendas. McCain / Palin will only prove to do the same. Btw it has almost been a week since someone has asked me for the Sarah Palin glasses. Thank you Jesus.
To my fellow Americans, all of us as a Nation, please BRING IT Nov. 4th.

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