Monday, October 20, 2008

What THAT?

What the?!?!?!? Please read the third paragraph of the following article.
While I'm always horrified of Sarah Pailn's policies. I'm not really sure she knows what they, or that, are. Her words are completely incoherent. I can definitively say I'm obsessed about the election race. I will say there are other things going on in my life, but this makes for a great distraction.
My days are spent surfing the net for this and that. Vintage clothing, Christian Louboutins, Cat toys, Classmates, and porn. JK, Just Kidding. I don't do that at work. I steal time shopping and the porn could actually get me fired. Anyway as you can see I really have a exciting work life. I could not blog if my job was busy, that means no one could read about what I think and well that would be no fun. I see the news as it's happening. The Karate Monkey is the best. My finger on the pulse of the world. Yeah me!!

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