Over the weekend I did one off my best falls of all time on Saturday night. Michele was there, and thank God we were in the bathroom 'cause I think I peed a little. I think it is time to turn in my ballet flats, I'm always slipping. I slipped at the Mexican place on Friday, no one saw that. Geesh!
This is what happened on Saturday, being my overly animated self, I was speaking vigorously w/ my hands, slipped on wet tile, did a full out split. So much so my va jay jay touch the floor. Not to worry, I had pants on. After, literally bouncing back up, the whole ladies room stopped..... and looked. Embarrassed? Yes, but I could care less. I had my trusty friend there. We laughed so hard, it was great. Really this is a shout out to my friend Michele, thank you for always laughing with and at me. What would I do without you? I spent half the next day telling Chuck, what McP's ( inside joke) face looked like when I fell. I still can't stop laughing. Stay tuned I'm sure there will be more falls in the future. I am blessed with a flare for elegance and grace.
Ohmigosh, I just busted out laughing again and I am sitting here at work. Everyone just looked at me like :what the hell is she doing???: Thanks again for a great laugh!!!!