Friday, September 11, 2009

Networking sites, pure evil?

I'm forever trying to figure out other women. The gossiping, the back biting, and my fav frienemies. Of course not all women do or are those things. Well they think they don't, but I have news most do. Especially the ones that say they are not or never......
Facebook has become a new outlet for women to use or be these things. When I asked someone recently why they use Facebook, they said, "to spy". Which I think is great, they were truthful. Another response was " to meet up with people they want to reconnect with". Which is a better reason. Colleen and her hubby reconnected with their Rocky Horror friends, also great. But I did listen to some gossiping about the other people they saw on Facebook. Just in case it is not obvious, I absolutely hate Facebook. More now than I did a week ago. Yes I've looked up people, to spy, but I will not ever be on it personally. Anyone who thinks, that if set up right, no one can see what is posted.... Guess what? One of these frienemies tells all. These so called 300 "friends" should be reconsidered. Ever heard of six degrees of separation? Someone who knows someone will tell someone. If not used in a smart fashion, Facebook, or other networking sites, even my blog, could be a friend downfall, a relationship downfall, or to me the worst a career downfall. HEL LOOOOO!?!?! People at work should especially not be "friends" on Facebook. BEWARE!!!!! But if you insist, first read this guideline article

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. I tempted fate for a while and had a facebook page but have since seen the light and have cancelled my account. Mind your own business childhood friends whom I haven't seen or spoken to in over 20 years. Is your life that empty that you need to see what I am up too?
