Monday, September 21, 2009

Vacation ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Over!

Vacation was very relaxing. I enjoyed some beautiful and relaxing days in the sun. I read one and a half books, my goal was two, I walked, hoping to try to keep that up. I enjoyed eating, but no overeating. and of coarse a little drinking, but no over drinking. All in all, a good time!! But now it's over, and it is back to work, which some said they missed me. That's nice! I will continue this hopefulness and believe that is true. New goals at work..... to not personalize and leave whatever it may be at work. Here's to a good week after vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Vacation is a beautiful thing to recharge! We are glad to have you back though! You were missed! Don't sweat the small stuff. How cares about our shitty jobs, LOL!!!!
