Friday, February 26, 2010

And more snow........

This is the morning's action shot of our deck, as you can see to the right it is almost taller then we are. The story goes like this....after snowing all day yesterday the shovelling began at 5:00p and ended at 9:00p with 2 or more inches accumulated during that time. The best we could was done for the night. Upon waking this morning 20 more inches had appeared. At this point I have lost count but between Tuesday and today we have had four feet of snow and now have no more places to put it. And it still continues to snow. The Passaic County Sheriff called and left a message, our town is in a state of emergency. To some this amount of snow is nothing, but to me this is officially the most I've seen at one time in my lifetime. It was still questionable at 7:00a about whether my office was expecting all of us today. But they closed and want us to work tomorrow. Which I think is the funniest thing I've heard in ages. Ummmmm It's still going to be flurries until Saturday morning. Hello look at my driveway and road. they are good here, but...... And not for nothing I do not think our old patients will be venturing out in slippery conditions, sidewalks and etc. I personally think eye care can wait until Monday, but that is not how you pay the bills.
The last picture is of both of our cars and the road. I swear my is there too. Happy snowman day!!!


  1. It's crazy isn't it? Snow, snow, snow! Want to hear something even funnier? My office is oficially open today!!! Ah, I don't think anyone will be closing on their homes today! What is wrong with people? LOL!

  2. I haven't seen snow in about 4 years and I really miss it... I do not however miss the shoveling!
