Monday, May 24, 2010


Who brings more drama at work, women or men? Passion vs. drama. Men are passionate. Women are crazy/dramatic. Are these fair statements or are they stereotypes? I want to be passionate without it being equated to being dramatic. Men get to speak loud and it's not yelling, but women speak loudly, well you get it. It seems if a man is confused it's because someone gave him wrong information. If a woman is confused it's because she is confused. Is this my perception only or does this happen in all business?


  1. It's unfortunately the way it is in a male-dominated world. Women who speak their mind are called "annoying" or "bitchy" while men who do the same are "making a good point." Think of the female politicians who, well, say anything. I'm sure it's just the same in business too. But in general, men have more drama than we do--just think of when they get the sniffles and have to be laid up in bed for days! That's drama!

  2. Agreed, when a woman speaks up for themselves at work she is perceived as complaining. I don't care though, I still go in every time. If you don't stick up for yourself and tell your side of the story, you always look bad!
