When I first took the job I have now, one of major issues I had at first was dealing with so many women. The gossiping, the bitching, and the estrogen was all new to me almost five years ago, now not so much. I am however still shocked what women will do to undermined one another. My thought is, why can't we be each others champions? Who knows what a woman goes through better than a another woman? I want other women to succeed, because it is always a step closer to breaking the ceiling. Yes it is still there, the fact is for every $1.00 a man makes, a woman doing the same job makes 0.70 cents. I want to start singing.......Anything you can do I can do better. Truth be told women are better multitaskers and therefore are more efficient.
I'm calling out to all woman....Stop being shitty to one another. This goes out everywhere every situation, at work, at the playground, at the gym or at the PTA meeting. Look at these other women as you would yourself. They struggle just the same. Those pointed fingers need to come down. The bus needs to drive the other way, with no one under it!!!!!!
Teach, share, understand and love....... it will not hurt, I promise.
Agreed! The same stuff goes on among mothers too--lot's of competition and criticism. It needs to stop. The world would be a better place if women united and lifted each other up!