The simple fact that the media and FDA calls it a recall indicates these eggs come from a factory. Or a plant where eggs magically come from the sky, not from an actual chicken. The FDA says," we'll find out where the outbreak of salmonella stems from". Well lets be frank......the conditions these chickens are forced to endure is beyond unhealthy for all involved, humans and chickens alike. Who believes the FDA has nooo idea how this happens? Really?!! I'll be real and I also will apologize if you are offended by the facts of eggs.
In most cases the chickens that provide eggs in mass are forced to live their whole lives in a cages. Not one chicken to one cage either. These cages are stored one on top of the other. The chickens poop and they poop on the ones below them or on the other ten or twenty in the cage with them. They are recalling 1/2 a billion eggs. How many chickens does it take to provide 500,000,000 eggs? Chickens lay 1 egg a day. Do the math. That is a lot of chickens. So sarcastically.... I can not imagine how the eggs became poisoned with salmonella. Oh and the cage free eggs/chickens, read that carefully. It is not a bunch of chickens running around a farm eating grass. Picture a warehouse filled wall to wall with chickens. Ahhhhhh much better (also sarcasm).
During this "outbreak" I did not have to look to see where my eggs came from. I get eggs from my friends who have chickens. I also buy eggs from local farmers.
I am not willing to go vegan yet and feel the least I can do is be a conscience eater. Lowering my carbon footprint means being awake to the reality of what animals go through before they get to my selfish plate. Over easy anyone?
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