Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where does bacon come from?

I recently have been having some conversations with some friends who still don't understand how I could give up bacon. Well after watching a horrible video on Which my husband said, please don't tell me. I have no questions, at all, about my continued choice not to eat animals. That's right! I did not say my choice not to eat meat. Notice the distinction? Wake up for crying out loud! I am crying right now thinking about what I saw people doing to baby pigs and baby chickens. The mistreatment was appalling. Adult pigs forced to live their lives in cages where they can not move, period!! Forced to live with infections, or live with pus filled prolapsed uteruses, and oh yeah, that is just the beginning of it. People you eat animals that come from these places. Delicious! Let's go to Costco now. I have nothing against Costco, they treat their employees great. But companies purchasing pork from these places are completely unaware of the mistreatment. I will be writing them to inform.

I would not eat my dog or cats why would I eat other animals. It makes no sense to me why others would.

Side note to Bacon: I once loved you, but our relationship is over!

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